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Control and Manage

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Magstim TMS Therapy – a non-invasive, innovative treatment – is transforming the lives of OCD patients. It offers an effective, safe and non-invasive treatment that uses short pulses of magnetic energy to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to treat OCD.

These magnetic pulses are delivered to the area in the brain that researchers believe is responsible for emotional judgement and mood regulation.¹ The rapid magnetic pulses created by the TMS system, pass through the skull and generate an electric current in the brain directly under the treatment coil. These electric currents cause neurons to fire and stimulate surrounding brain cells.

Magstim TMS is FDA-cleared to treat OCD.

Magstim TMS for OCD has many advantages over other treatment options, as it is an outpatient procedure that is generally well-tolerated and has no systemic side effects.

Fine Print & Notations
1. De Raedt, R., Vanderhasselt, M. A., & Baeken, C. (2015). Neurostimulation as an intervention for treatment resistant depression: From research on mechanisms towards targeted neurocognitive strategies.
Clinical Psychology Review, 41, 61-69.